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    Ford Transit Custom 2024

    Kas olete uhke uue 2024. aasta Ford Transit Customi omanik? Palju õnne! Olenemata sellest, kas kasutate seda äri või reiside jaoks, on see mitmekülgne kaubik valmis vastu võtma kõike, mida te talle ette viskate. Kuid miks mitte tõsta oma Transit Custom uuele tasemele Metec’i esmaklassiliste roostevabast terasest lisavarustusega?

    Ehitatud kestma, loodud muljet avaldama

    Metec’i roostevabast terasest lisavarustus on valmistatud kvaliteetsetest materjalidest, tagades vastupidavuse ja kauakestva sära. Need ei too esile ainult teie Transit Customi visuaalset ilu, vaid pakuvad ka praktilist kasu:

    • Esirauad ja kaugtuled: Lõika läbi pimeduse ja tõrju potentsiaalseid ohte. Metec’i esirauad saab kombineerida võimsate LED-tuledega, mis parandavad nähtavust öösel, lisades samas ka kaitsva omaduse.
    • Küljetorud ja astmelauad: Metec’i külgmised astmelauad ja torud pakuvad kindlat astumiskohta ja täiendavat küljekaitset, kõik ühes stiilses komplektis.
    • Pakiraamid ja redelid: Platvorm katusele, võimaldades teil kergemini lisakaupa vedada. Kombineerige pakiraam redeliga, et tagada lihtsam ligipääs.
    • Põhjakaitsed: Kaitske oma kaubiku põhjaalust erinevate ohtude eest 5mm-st alumiiniumist mootori- ja AdBlue põhjakaitsmetega.
    • Muud: Metec pakub erinevat lisavarustust teie Transit Customi isikupärastamiseks, sealhulgas Optibeam; W-Light ja Seeker LED-baride ja kaugtulede valikut; kergesti paigaldatavaid Metec’i konksuastmeid ja palju muud!

    Investeerige oma kaubikusse, investeerige oma ärisse

    Ettevõtetele, kes toetuvad igapäevaselt oma Transit Customile, on Metec’i lisavarustus väärtuslik investeering. Need kaitsevad teie kaubikut igapäevase kulumise ja kahjustuse eest, vähendades remondikulusid ja pikendades sellega masina kasutusiga. Lisaks võib professionaalne välimus aidata kaasa brändi imidzile ja klientidele positiivsema esmamulje loomisel.

    Täiuslik sobivus uuele 2024. aasta Ford Transit Customile

    Meteci lisavarustus on loodud nii, et see integreeruks uue Transit Customi voolujoonelise disainiga. Poleeritud või Black Edition roostevaba terase pinnaviimistlus täiendab kaubiku modernset disaini, lisades sellele elegantsi ja robustsust.

    Uuendage oma Transit Customi juba täna!

    Avastage Meteci tootevalik meie veebipoest MyMetec või volitatud Metec’i edasimüüjalt. Muutke oma kaubik tavalisest erakordseks – avaldage teel muljet ja kogege Meteci erinevust!

    TRC 2024 epoe link


    Ford Transit Custom 2024

    Are you the proud owner of the all-new Ford Transit Custom 2024? Congratulations! Whether you’re using it for business or embarking on road trips, this versatile van is ready to tackle anything you throw its way. But why not elevate your Transit Custom to the next level with Metec’s premium line of stainless steel accessories?

    Built to Last, Designed to Impress

    Metec’s stainless steel accessories are crafted from high-quality materials, ensuring exceptional durability and a long-lasting shine. They not only enhance the visual appeal of your Transit Custom, but also provide practical benefits:

    • Front bars and lightbars: Slash through darkness and deter potential hazards. Metec front bars can be combined with powerful LED lights, improving nighttime visibility while adding a touch of defensive presence. Drive with confidence and conquer the road ahead.
    • Sidebars and sidesteps: Metec side steps and sidebars provide a sure step up and added side protection, all in one stylish package.
    • Roofracks and Ladders: Provide a secure platform, allowing you to carry extra cargo with ease. Combine it with a ladder to make access easier.
    • Skidplates: Guard your vans underbelly from off-road hazards with 5mm aluminium engine and AdBlue skidplates.
    • And More: Metec offers a variety of other accessories to personalize your Transit Custom, including Optibeam; W-Light and Seeker spotlights and LED bar selection, easy-to-install Metec tow steps and much more!

    Invest in Your Van, Invest in Your Business

    For businesses that rely on their Transit Custom, Metec Accessories offer a valuable investment. They protect your van from everyday wear and tear, minimizing repair costs and extending its lifespan. Additionally, the professional look they provide can enhance your brand image and create a positive first impression with clients.

    A Perfect Fit for the New Ford Transit Custom 2024

    Metec’s designers have crafted these accessories to seamlessly integrate with the sleek lines of the new Transit Custom. The polished or Black Edition stainless steel finish complements the van’s modern design, adding a touch of sophistication and ruggedness.

    Upgrade Your Transit Custom Today!

    Visit our MyMetec webshop or your authorized Metec dealer to discover the complete range. Take your van from ordinary to extraordinary – make a statement on the road and experience the Metec difference!

    TRC 2024 MyMetec webshop link


    Aerokit rekkale

    Esitleme meie viimast revolutsioonilist toodet veoautodele: Aerokit by METEC.

    Kabiiniküljeprofiili komplektis on 2 toru, millel on igaühes 5-6 punast LED-i (olenevalt teie rekka kabiini mudelist). Ülemine torukomplekt sisaldab toru koos 5 integreeritud punase LED-iga. Selleks, et tõeline effekt tekiks tuleks kõik korraga külge panna.

    Valmistatud kvaliteetsest roostevabast terasest, saadaval poleeritud või pulbervärvitud musta värviga ning komplekteeritud kõigega, mis on vajalik kiireks ja lihtsaks paigaldamiseks. Meie Aerokitides on lausa 15-17 punast markertuld, mis on integreeritud meie 60 mm läbimõõduga torudesse.

    Aerokitid saadaval järgmistele mudelitele: Volvo FH, Scania R, Scania S, MAN TGX, Iveco S-Way, Renault T, MB Actros, DAF XG/XG+ <- kliki oma mudelil!

    Telli oma komplekt täna ja koge erinevust!

    Tellimine lähima ametliku METECi edasimüüja juurest või sales@metec.ee


    Aerokit for Trucks

    Introducing our latest game-changer for trucks: Aerokit by METEC.

    Set for cab siderails include 2 bars with 5-6 red LEDs in each (depending on your truck model). Upper rail set includes the top bar with 5 integrated red LEDs. Order together to create the perfect distinguishable look for your truck.

    Crafted from high quality stainless steel, available in polished or powder coated black paint and come with everything needed for a quick and easy installation. Our Aerokits come with whopping 15-17 marker lights integrated in our 60mm dimensioned bars.

    Aerokits are available for models: Volvo FH, Scania R, Scania S, MAN TGX, Iveco S-Way, Renault T, MB Actros, DAF XG/XG+ <- click for webshop!

    Don’t settle for ordinary when you can have the best. Order your set today and experience the difference! Available from your nearest authorized METEC distributor or sales@metec.ee


    Be ready for snow with a Metec V- or D-snowplow!

    V and D plow sets with model-specific adapters in stock and ready for quick delivery!

    Be ready for snow and ask for an offer today! E-mail: sales@metec.ee or call +3725278878.

    D-plow (888801) is ideal for the home user. The plow has electric turning and lifting.

    V-plow (888809) is a more serious tool most suited for a service provider. The plow has hydraulic lifting and individual blade turning possibility.

    The car used for plowing snow can be turned into a work car or everyday vehicle in 2-3 minutes with simple effort. We have designed the plow attachment adapters for quick and easy plow on-off release. If necessary, we also help with organizing of the installation.

    Both plows are operated via a Wi-Fi remote control, which is simple and logical to use. In addition, it means that there are no wires to run through the cabin, and the installation is faster and cheaper.

    Metec snowplow sets in stock today for models: Hilux, Ranger, Amarok, L200, D-Max, Navara.

    Dont hesitate to ask about other make and models, there is a solution for almost everything!


    Ole lumeks valmis Meteci V- või D-lumesahaga!

    Laos olemas ja valmis kiireks tarneks V ja D sahkade komplektid koos mudelipõhiste adapteritega!

    Ole lumeks valmis, ning küsi pakkumist juba täna! E-mail: sales@metec.ee või helista +3725278878.

    D-sahk (888801) on ideaalne kodutarbijale. Sahal on elektriline pööramine ja tõste.

    V-sahk (888809) on tõsisem tööriist teenusepakkujale. Sahal on hüdrauliline tõste ja individuaalne hõlmade pööramine.

    Lume lükkamiseks mõeldud auto saab tööautoks või igapäeva liikuriks teha 2-3 minutiga lihtsa vaevaga. Oleme saha kinnitusadapterid disaininud kiireks ja lihtsaks saha külge-lahti kasutuseks, sealjuures kvaliteedis järele andmata. Vajadusel abistame ka paigalduse organiseerimisega.

    Mõlema saha puhul käib opereerimine läbi Wifi puldi, mille kasutamine on lihtne ja loogiline. Lisaks tähendab see, et ei ole juhtmeid mida vaja läbi salongi vedada ning paigaldus on kiirem ja soodsam.

    Meteci sahad koos adapteritega täna laos mudelitele: Hilux, Ranger, Amarok, L200, D-Max, Navara. Teistele mudelitele ja markidele olema ka suutnud lahendused leida!


    Ford Ranger ja VW Amarok 2023

    Vii oma seiklused uuele tasemele METECi roostevabast terasest lisavarustusega, mis on loodud spetsiaalselt 2023 aasta VW Amarok ja Ford Ranger’i jaoks. Kasuta oma masina täit potentsiaali ja ole kõikjal silmapaistev!

    Meie Amarok (<- kliki lingil) ja Ranger (<- kliki lingil) seeria lisavarustuse toodetega tutvumiseks ja ostmiseks külastage meie kodulehte, saatke päring sales@metec.ee või võtke ühendust meie edasimüüjatega.


    • Poleeritud Eurobar, Nordicbar või Citybar: uuenda oma stiili ja kaitset meie poleeritud roostevabast terasest esiraudadega.
    • Värvitud: valikus on ka pulbervärvitud mustad esirauad.

    Mootori + käigukasti põhjakaitsmed:

    • 5mm alumiinium kaitse: Kaitse oma masina veermikku erakordselt tugeva alumiiniumist 5mm kaitsega.
    • Usaldusväärne vastupidavus: Meie põhjakaitsed pakuvad tipptasemel kaitset masina hädavajalikke osi tegemata järeleandmisi vastupidavuses.
    • Disainitud maastikusõiduks: Kus iganes sa sõidad, meie põhjakaitsed peavad vastu kõigele, nii kivisele maastikule kui auklikele metsateedele.
    • Lihtne paigaldus: Kiire ja murevaba paigaldus.


    • Poleeritud Offroad astmed: Silmapaistev stiil ja mugavus masinasse sisenedes ja väljudes.
    • Mustaks värvituna: Praktiline ja robustne tulemus.

    Haakekonksu komplektid:

    • Ehitatud tugevaks: Sertifitseeritud vedamaks kuni 3500kg.
    • Lihtne paigaldus: Praktiline uuendus probleemivaba paigaldusega.
    • Sobivus masinaga: Disainitud spetsiaalselt sobima su Rangeri või Amarokiga.
    • Turvalisus eelkõige: Usaldusväärne kaaslane igasuguste vedamist vajavate ülesannete juures.
    • Off-Road sobilik: Ideaalne ka karmimatel maastikel kasutamiseks.

    Ford Ranger and VW Amarok 2023

    Upgrade your adventure with METEC’s all-new stainless steel accessories, tailor-made for the 2023 VW Amarok and Ford Ranger. Unleash your truck’s potential and make a statement wherever you roam.

    To view our full range of Amarok (<- click on link) and Ranger (<- click on link) accessories and make a purchase, visit our website, email us at: sales@metec.ee or reach out to our authorized dealers for expert guidance.

    Front bars:

    • Polished Eurobar, Nordicbar or Citybar: Elevate style and protection with our polished stainless steel bullbars.
    • Black Painted: Achieve a rugged appearance with durable black paint.

    Underbody engine + gearbox skidplates:

    • 5mm Aluminum: Safeguard your vehicle’s undercarriage with the exceptional strength of 5mm aluminum.
    • Rugged Durability: Our skid plates offer top-notch protection for critical components without compromising on durability.
    • Designed for Off-Roading: Whether you’re navigating rocky terrains or uneven trails, our skid plates are built to withstand it all.
    • Easy Installation: Ensure easy and hassle-free installation for added convenience.

    Side Steps:

    • Polished Offroad steps: Enhance style and convenience during vehicle entry and exit.
    • Black Painted: Get practicality and a rugged, understated look.

    Tow Hook Sets:

    • Built Tough: ECE certified towing up to 3500kg!
    • Easy Installation: Hassle-free mounting for a seamless upgrade.
    • Vehicle Compatibility: Designed to fit your Ranger/Amarok.
    • Safety First: Trust in secure attachment points for all your towing needs.
    • Off-Road Ready: Ideal for rugged adventures and off-road enthusiasts.

    VW ID. Buzz

    Tutvustame meie uut ja funktsionaalset raudade valikut, mis on loodud revolutsioonilise ID. Buzzi jaoks.

    METECi lisavarustus on välja töötatud, pöörates erilist tähelepanu detailidele, tagades lihtsa paigaldamise ja sujuva sobivuse. Ükskõik, kas valid jõulise Nordicbari, peene Citybari tulekanduri, stiilsed küljetorud või praktilise tagastange kaitsepleki, mis ei lase stanget lõhkuda, pakub Metec nii turvalisust kui ka esteetikat. Meie korrosioonikindlate omadustega roostevaba teras mitte ainult ei säilita oma silmapaistvat välimust, vaid pakub ka olulist kaitset väliskeskkonna tekitatud kulumise eest.

    METEC lisavarustus pakub funktsionaalsuse ja välimuse perfektset sulamit. Püüa pilke igalpool, kuhu oma ID. Buzziga lähed ja erine hallist massist – meie tooteid saab tellida nii poleeritult kui ka mustaks pulbervärvituna!

    Uuri lähimast VW esindusest või kirjuta meile sales@metec.ee

    Tutvu kogu METEC ID. Buzz valikuga e-poes siin!


    VW ID. Buzz

    Introducing our sleek and sophisticated selection designed exclusively for the revolutionary Volkswagen ID Buzz. Elevate your driving experience with these premium add-ons that effortlessly blend style and functionality.

    Every METEC accessory is designed with meticulous attention to detail, ensuring easy installation and a seamless fit. Whether you choose the mighty Nordicbar, slick Citybar or the practical rear bumper guard for enhanced safety, Metec delivers on both performance and aesthetics. With our corrosion-resistant properties, these accessories not only maintain their impeccable appearance but also provide essential protection against the elements.

    Experience the perfect fusion of style and substance with METEC accessories for your Volkswagen ID Buzz. Embrace a new level of sophistication and make a statement wherever your journey takes you. Upgrade your ID Buzz today and stand out from the crowd – available in shiny polished or black painted.

    Ask your local METEC distributor or write to us sales@metec.ee

    Explore all METEC ID. Buzz selection here!


    MAN TGS 20+

    Tutvustame meie uusimat MAN TGS lisavarustust, sealhulgas legendaarne Meteci rammraud. Meie rammraud on loodud vastu pidama kõige keerulisemastes tingimustes ja keskkonnas. Olgu selleks kas ehitusplatsid, metsad või karjäärid.

    Kõrgkvaliteetsetest materjalidest, sealhulgas vastupidavast roostevabast terasest ja tugevatest risttaladest valmistatud rammraud on loodud pakkuma maksimaalset kaitset teie veokile ja selle reisijatele. Meteci rammraud ei paku mitte ainult suurepärast kaitset, vaid seda on ka lihtne paigaldada. See sobib kenasti teie MAN TGS ette ja meie lihtsa poltkinnituse disainiga saate selle kiiresti külge ja tööle panna.

    Oleme arvesse võtnud ka TGSi välimust. Meie lisavarustus on disainitud täiendama MAN TGS-i töökat ja vastupidavat välimust, nii et ei kannataks üldmulje ega raudade kvaliteet.

    Investeerige oma TGS-i turvalisusesse Meteci lisavarustusega. Tellige oma veokale rauad juba täna ja nautige meelerahu, mis kaasneb teadmisega, et teie masin ja selle reisijad on kaitstud!

    MAN TGS 20+ Lisavarustuse valiku jaoks kliki siia


    MAN TGS 20+

    Introducing our latest accessories for MAN TGS including the iconic Metec cattleguard. Designed with rugged durability in mind, our cattleguard is built to withstand the toughest of terrain and conditions.

    Constructed from high-quality materials, including heavy-duty steel and reinforced sturdy crossbars, this cattleguard is designed to provide maximum protection for your truck and its passengers. It’s perfect for use on construction sites, quarrys, forests, wherever the environment may pose a hazard to your vehicle.

    Not only does our cattleguard offer superior protection, but it’s also easy to install. It fits seamlessly onto the front of your MAN TGS metal bumper, and with our simple bolt-on design, you’ll have it up and running in no time.

    We’ve also taken into account the aesthetics of the TGS truck. Our accessories are designed to perfectly complement the rugged look of the MAN TGS, so it won’t detract from its sleek appearance.

    Invest in the safety and protection of your TGS with Metec accessories. Order yours today and enjoy the peace of mind that comes with knowing your truck and its passengers are well-protected on the job.

    MAN TGS 2020+ Metal Bumper webshop link <- click me for TGS product selection


    Ford Tourneo Connect 2022

    Lattu on jõudnud palju tooteid uuele Ford Tourneo Connectile!

    Meteci tooted muudavad uue Connecti veel stiilsemaks ja praktilisemaks. Lisades näiteks katusele pakiraami saab juurde rohkem ruumi või stangele kaitsepleki hoidmaks autot kriimude ja defektide eest, näiteid on küllaga.

    840047770 – Stangeääris ette, saab tellida ka mustaks värvituna ja DRL tulega/ilma

    840064 – Küljetorude komplekt, saab tellida LED tuledega/ilma

    840050 – Põhjakaitse mootorile

    840070 – Kaitseplekk stangele

    840080 – Pakiraami komplekt katusele, lisana saab juurde tellida käiguteid ja lisa risttalasid

    888484 – Töötulede toru tagauste kohale

    Tooteinfo ja tellimuste esitamine: MyMetec Ford Tourneo Connect 2022, või kliendihalduri: sales@metec.ee


    Ford Tourneo Connect 2022

    Stock is filled with new Tourneo Connect accessories!

    Metec Accessories adds a touch of style to the Connect while also providing practical benefits, such as easier access to the roof or protection against scratches and dents on bumpers.

    840047770 – Spoilerbar, available also in half-matte black and with or without DRL lights

    840064 – Sidebar set, available with or without LED marker lights

    840050 – Skidplate for engine

    840070 – Protection plate for rear bumper

    840080 – Roof rack system, walkways and extra crossbeams can be ordered additionally

    888484 – Worklights holder bar for rear doors

    Product info and ordering: MyMetec Ford Tourneo Connect 2022, or via e-mail: sales@metec.ee


    Ford Ranger Raptor 2023

    Metec Raptor 2023 lightbars are ready!

    80739071 – “Nordic Spoilerbar” is the minimalistic spicy spoilerbar.

    80739271 – “Nordicbar” is the simple but a stylish choice, comes with integrated rivets for easy extra light installation.

    80739471 – “Integra Nordicbar” comes with an integrated 18″ Lazeri Linear lightbar + an extra bottom tube to add more extra lights.

    LED installation kits and clamps can be ordered easily in MyMetec shop if needed.

    5mm aluminum Skidplate set for your engine + gearbox protection will be added shortly in the list, article 804700.

    Product info and ordering in MyMetec Raptor 2023, or through sales manager: sales@metec.ee


    Ford Ranger Raptor 2023

    Meteci Raptor 2023 esirauad on kohal!

    80739071 – “Nordic Spoilerbar” on minimalistlik kuid vürtsikas stangeääris.

    80739271 – “Nordicbar” on lihtne aga stiilne esiraud, millel on lisatulede paigaldamise valmidus.

    80739471 – “Integra Nordicbar” on integreeritud 18″ Lazeri Linear tulega + alumine lisatoru, mis annab võimaluse veel rohkem tulesid lisada.

    LED paigaldus kite ja klambreid saab vajadusel hõlpsasti MyMeteci poest tellida.

    5mm alumiiniumist põhjakaitse komplekt mootori + kasti kaitseks on lisandumas lähiajal, kood 804700.

    Tooteinfo ja tellimuste esitamine läbi MyMetec-i Raptor 2023, või kliendihalduri: sales@metec.ee


    Uus kandur kabiini taha DAF XG/XG+ 21-

    Alustame aastat tooteuudisega, oleme DAF XG/XG+ jaoks välja tulnud uue töötule kanduriga kabiini taha, millel on 4 punast LED markerit ja 2 integreeritud töötuld mis tagavad hämaral ajal haagise ühendamisel juhile parima nähtavuse.

    Kandurit saab tellida poleeritult või mustas RAL 9005 versioonis – mõlemad on MyMeteci veebipoes üleval ja tellimiseks valmis.

    Esimene partii mõlemaid variante on laos juba Veebruari algusest ja koheseks tarneks saadaval.

    850370 – Poleeritud
    85037071 – Värvitud

    MyMetec Shop link (klõpsa)


    New Rear Bar for DAF XG/XG+ 21-

    To start the year off right, we have come out with a new Rear Bar for the new gen DAF XG/XG+, it features 4 red LED markers and 2 integrated work lamps to give the drivers best visibility when coupling trailers at night time.  

    Rear Bar comes in classic polished and painted in black RAL9005 version – both are already up in MyMetec webshop and ready to order.

    First batch of both versions will be in stock from start of February.  

    850370 – Polished  
    85037071 – Painted

    MyMetec Shop link (clickable)


    Not enough room inside? Throw it on the roof – easy!

    Metec’s stainless and polished steel van equipment is practical, durable and beautiful to look at.

    Our selection of roof racks and ladders haven proven themselves in every category of life, whether it’s working at a construction site or taking a trip around the world – the choice is yours.

    Today we have a large selection for different makes and models in stock and ready to be delivered*:

    VW, Ford, Citroen, Renault, Opel, Fiat, Peugeot, Mercedes-Benz, MAN, Iveco, Nissan, Toyota.

    For price and delivery inquiries: sales@metec.ee

    Click me for a quick introduction clip!

    *Stock count changes daily.


    Kui autosse ei mahu, siis paki katusele – lihtne!

    Meteci roostevabast ja poleeritud terasest kaubikute komplektid on praktilised, vastupidavad ja silmale ilus vaadata.

    Meie valik pakiraame ja redeleid on end tänaseks tõestanud igas elu valdkonnas, pole vahet kas ehitusel või reisil ümber maailma – valik on sinu.

    Täna laos* suur valik tarbesõidukite komplekte kiire tarnega enamikele markidele ja mudelitele:

    VW, Ford, Citroen, Renault, Opel, Fiat, Peugeot, Mercedes-Benz, MAN, Iveco, Nissan, Toyota.

    Hinna ja tarnepäringud: sales@metec.ee

    Tutvustavat väikest klippi näed, kui minu peale klikid!

    *Laoseisud muutuvad pidevalt.


    Pro Black sidesteps have arrived!

    Pro Black sidesteps have arrived! A must have accessory for every utility van.

    Compared to Van Tour series, our new Pro Black series is cheaper and with a more discreet design it is a perfect solution for a working man’s utility vehicle but also for a regular person’s everyday life.

    Pro Black series sidesteps are made from durable stainless steel profile, covered in Anti-Slip Black coating which gives the sidestep a grainy texture finish which stops your feet from slipping.

    Similar to Van Tour series, Pro Black set comes for L2/L3 vans and with a model based mounting kit for easy installation for reseller or end customers.

    Our new practical Pro Black series sidesteps are available to order for all popular utility vans on the market today:

    Renault Master; Ford Transit; VW Crafter/MAN TGE; MB Sprinter <- click on your model

    Good luck with sales!

    For all inquiries contact your Metec sales manager or write to us on sales@metec.ee

    Follow us on social media – InstagramLinkedIn and Facebook.


    Pro Black practical sidesteps have arrived!

    Pro Black practical sidesteps have arrived! A must have accessory for all utility vans.

    Compared to Van Tour, the Pro Black series is cheaper and more discreet in its design, making it a perfect selection for a practical worker with a utility van or for regular person’s everyday life as well.

    Pro Black sidesteps are produced from durable stainless steel profile, covered in Anti-Slip Black paint which gives the sidesteps a grainy texture that stops feet from slipping.

    Similar to Van Tour, Pro Black sidesteps are made for side and front doors for L2/L3 vans and come together with model based mounting kit for easy installation for resellers or end customers.

    Pro Black series – made for work and practicality are ready to order for most popular utility vans already:

    Renault Master; Ford Transit; VW Crafter/MAN TGE; MB Sprinter <- click on your model

    Good luck with sales!

    For any questions, please contact your Metec sales manager or write to us at sales@metec.ee

    Check out our Instagram, LinkedIn and Facebook – follow us to keep up with Metec news and everyday life.


    Pro Black praktilised astmelauad on kohal!

    Pro Black praktilised astmelauad on kohal! Iga tööka inimese “must have” lisavarustus enda bussile.

    Pro Black seeria on võrreldes Van Touriga odavam ning diskreetsema disainiga rohkem praktilisusele ja tööle suunatud, kuid ikkagi vabalt kasutatav kasvõi igapäeva sõiduki küljes.

    Pro Black seeria astmelauad on valmistatud vastupidavast RVT profiilist ja kaetud Anti-Slip Black värviga mis annab astmetele kareda pinnakatte ja takistab libastumist.

    Van Touriga sarnaselt müüme antud seeriat külje -ja esiustele L2/L3 bussidele täiskomplektina koos paigalduskomplektiga, paigaldus on lihtne ja kiire nii lõppkliendi kui edasimüüja jaoks.

    Tööle ja praktilisusele suunatud Pro Black astmelauad on saadaval laialt levinud mudelitele:

    Renault Master; Ford Transit; VW Crafter/MAN TGE; MB Sprinter <- kliki oma mudelile

    Jõudu tööle!

    Küsimuste korral võta julgelt ühendust oma Metec müügijuhiga või kirjuta meile sales@metec.ee

    Hoia end meie tegemistega kursis läbi sotsiaalmeedia kanalite – InstagramLinkedIn ja Facebook.


    TIG keevituse õppepraktika Metecis

    Tartu Rakendusliku Kolledži 2. kursuse poisid käisid Metecis kuuajalisel TIG keevituspraktikal. Detsembrist veebruarini läbis praktika kaheksa kutsekooli õppurit TIG keevituse erialal. Koolis on juba omandatud MIG/MAGi poolautomaat ja MMA elektroodkeevituse kogemus, mis andis hea alustala TIG keevituse õppimiseks. Praktikandid hindasid kogemust väga heaks ja olid rahul, et said just Metecis oma praktika sooritada. Järgnevalt mõned poiste mõtted pärast
    praktika lõputöö edukat sooritamist. Loe pikemalt siit.


    Uued DAF´id on jõudnud turule

    Uued DAF´id on jõudnud turule. Mitte ainult 1 uus veok, vaid laus 3 erinevat.

    XF – uus standard pikamaa vedudes.

    XG – esimene uus veok maailmas, mis vastab uutele kaalu ja mõõtude reeglistikule.

    XG+ – tõeline tippveok igas mõõdetavas parameetris.

    METEC pakub enda poolt lisavarustuse täisprogrammi kõigile 3´le veokile.

    XF tooted on leitavad siit, kuid ekstra tooks välja Hydra kanduri.

    XG ja XG+ tooted on leitavad siit. Kuna nende kahe veoki puhul on tegu täiesti uute veokitega, siis tegime ka meie täiesti uue stangeäärise.

    Hoia end meie tegemistega kursis läbi sotsiaalmeedia kanalite – InstagramLinkedIn ja Facebook.

    Uued DAF´id on jõudnud turule – Ava oma silmad. Kui sul on küsimusi toodete kohta, siis saada meile e-kiri (sales@metec.ee) ja kõik küsimused saavad vastuse. 


    DAF is coming in full force

    DAF is coming in full force. There used to be just XF, now there are XF, XG and XG+.

    XF – new standard in long haul transportation.

    XG – first truck which complies with new weight and dimensions criteria.

    XG+ – top of the range truck in every measurable way.

    Add finishing touch with METEC´s accessories – full program can be seen here.

    XF units visible here, obviously including our world famous Hydra bar.

    XG and XG+ units are visible here – for new models we also have new style spoilerbar.

    Go check out our Instagram, LinkedIn and Facebook – start to follow to keep up to date with all of our news.

    Open your eyes – DAF is coming in full force. If you have any questions, send us enquiry ( sales@metec.ee ) and we will get back to you.


    DAF´i uue põlvkonna autod XF,XG,XG+

    DAF´i uue põlvkonna autod XF,XG,XG+. Kohe kohe jõuavad uued sõidukid müügisalongidesse ja peale seda juba meie teedele ja tänavatele.

    DAF´i sõidukid on läbinud ulatusliku uuenduskuuri ning nüüd on Scanial, Volvol ja teistel suurtel veokitootjatel tugev konkurent Hollandist. Uuendused on ulatuslikud ning nüüd on tegu tehniliselt tipptasemel sõidukitega.

    XF – pikamaa sõitude versioon, lühikene kabiin.

    XG – pikamaa sõitude versioon, pikk kabiin.

    XG+ – kõige kõigem sõiduk, pikk ning kõrge kabiin.

    Oleme hetkel arendamas kõikidele kabiinidele mitmeid tooteid, piltide peal on näha esimesed versioonid.

    Nagu ikka Metec puhul tavaks, siis valikus saavad olema mitmed katusekandurid, esimesed laternakandurid, stangeäärised, küljetorud ning rammraud. Erinevad versioonid koos marker LED´ga ning valikus on ka värvitud versioonid.

    DAF´i uue põlvkonna autod XF,XG,XG+ – hoia silma peal meie kodulehel ja meie sotsiaal meedia kanalitel (Instagram, Facebook, Linkedin).


    Accessories coming soon for new DAF´s

    Accessories coming soon for new DAF´s. DAF has made large changes to their heavy truck. Previously there was only XF, now there are XF, XG and XG+.

    XF – for long haul transportation, short cab.

    XG – for long haul transportation, long cab.

    XG+ – top of the range cab, largest, highest.

    We are working on accessories for all three models. Here are just 2 teaser pics with the products.

    As always, you will be able to equip your truck with full range of accessories. Starting from up – various roofbars, front lightholders with different functions, two different spoilerbars, large cattleguard and sidebars. Obviously with and without marker LED´s.

    Accessories coming soon for new DAF´s – keep yourself up to date on our website, social media (Facebook,Instagram, Linkedin).


    MY2022 Renault T with METEC products

    MY2022 Renault T with METEC products. Yes, you read it correctly – new Renault has majority of products ready.

    When Renault launched T at 2013 it was a game changer. Renault now had serious competitor for well know trucks.

    Just launched model has not been updated so significantly but more fine tuned vehicle. And doesn´t it look lovely?

    Sharp and sophisticated front lights give very distinctive and contemporary look.

    But as always, drivers want to be different compared to other drivers and the also want to improve the vehicle. And with METEC accessories it is easy to do just that.

    Right now we have various roofbars, spoilerbar, sidebars, Taylor front lampholder and cattleguard. Keep your eye on our news as we will launch additional products quite soon.

    MY2022 Renault T with METEC products – great truck with great accessories!


    Make your life easier!

    Make your life easier! By installing one of our towbar steps.

    We have had towbar steps in our product portfolio for numerous years already. These do not make life just easier, but also safer. If you are holding 40kg cement bag, it is not the easiest to step inside the van, which floor is 1m higher than the ground. And doing such work all day, makes it also non safe for the worker.

    We try to cater of all different customers. Therefore you can find in our lineup: small one sided step, small double sided step, large double sided step and XXL heavy duty double sided step. You do not have to use our towbars (although it is preferable 🙂 ) as the steps are universal. Weight capacity from 120kg to 150kg.

    There are also customers, who use our steps as parking sensors :). We do not recommend this, but on the other hand it proves, that products are tough enough even for such usage.

    Have a look here for more information.

    Additionally we have steps for sidedoors and rear steps for non towbar vans.

    Make your life easier and safer!


    Suur tali on Eestisse saabumas

    Suur tali on Eestisse saabumas. Nii nagu eelmine aasta, tõotab ka see aasta korralik ja paks lumekiht Eestit katta.

    Meie käest ei saa suuski, ega uiske, kuid saame pakkuda erinevaid kastiautode lumesahkasid.

    Valikust leiad D- ja V-saha. Liikuva pildi leiad siit.

    D-sahk on ideaalne kodutarbijale või väikeettevõttele. Kuigi kerge (vastab enamuse autotootjate lubatud esitelje koormusele), on puhastusjälg esmaklassiline. Sobib suurtesse kodumajapidamistesse, väikestele teenusepakkujatele, kes hooldavad kohalikke väiketeid.

    V-sahk on tõsise töömehe tõsine tööriist. Sahal hüdrauliline tõste ja pööramine. Opereerimine käib läbi Wifi puldi, mis tähendab, et ei ole juhtmeid, mida vaja läbi salongi vedada, ehk paigaldus on lihtne ja soodne. Suurepärane kasutamaks kergliiklusteedel, suurtes parklates, kitsastes oludes ning spordirajatiste juures.

    Tule ja soeta endale sobilik sahk juba varakult, ega tali taeva jää!


    Heavy snow predicted in Europe

    Heavy snow predicted in Europe. Be prepared!

    With Metec snowplow you have nothing to be afraid of. Have a look of animation what we did with our plows.

    Have a look of the animation about D- and V-plows.

    Animation looks good, but much more important is, that plow itself is good. Just few points to show the pros of our plows.

    1. Wifi remote operated lifting and turning.
    2. Changeble blades – starting from rubber snow plades, ending with Hardox ice blades.
    3. 2 point fitting to the pickup ensures vibration free operation.
    4. D-plow is within limits of manufacturer suggested front axle load weight.
    5. V-plow has heavy duty hydraulic lifting and turning.
    6. Bright and visible in orange colour. Possible to add extralights to make yourself extra visible.

    Here you can read little bit more about the snow plow.

    Estonia has heavy snow every year and therefore, if it works here, then it works everywhere.

    Winter does not stay in the sky – get in touch with us and get yourself reliable snowplow!


    Renault´l on uus kaubik – Express

    Renault´l on uus kaubik – Express. Viimasel kümnendil on Renault väikekaubikuks olnud Kangoo. Kuid aeg oli uuendada mudelivalikut ja seega on uue Kangoo kõrval ka Express.

    Express on ülimalt praktiline ning läbimõeldud lahendustega kaubik. Kuid alati on võimalik autot lisavarustusega turvalisemaks, ilusamaks, praktilisemaks muuta.

    Meie valikust leiad põhjakatte, mis tagab selle, et ka kõige kehvemates teeoludes on turvaline sõit tagatud.

    Et auto jääkväärtus oleks autot välja vahetades võimalikult kõrge, siis tuleb auto hoida võimalikult heas seisukorras. Stangeplekk tagab selle, et stange on kahjustusteta ja ka 5 aasta pärast nagu uus.

    Kauni täpi i´le lisab esimene stangeääris ning küljetorud (valikus nii tuledega, kui ka ilma versioon). Tegu ei ole pelgalt iluvidinatega, vaid ka lisakaitset pakkuvate toodetega. Palju lihtsam ja odavam on kokkupõrke puhul need detailid välja vahetada, kui hakata uut stanget paigaldama ja värvima.

    Siin on kõik tooted – vali endale sobivaim ja võta meiega ühendust.

    PS! Hoia silma peal meie tegemistel, sest kohe-kohe on ka Kangoo tooted tulekul.


    New in Renault lineup – Renault Express

    New in Renault lineup – Renault Express. Renault used to have only one small van, Kangoo. But this has been changed with new generation vans – Renault has resurrected name from the past – Express. Now there are Kangoo and Express.

    Express has funky sidedoors which open 180° for extra easy loading and unloading. Foldable passenger seat, so you can transport up to 3,7m long material.

    As you can see, it is very practical. But there are few areas to improve – nicely painted bumper is quite vunerable. Metec solves the problem with rear bumper plate. Depending of the road where you travel, skidplate adds extra security that you reach to your destination without any hickups.

    With front spoilerbar and sidebars (either with or without marker LED´s) you can catch two flies with one catch – protection of the vehicle and nice design touch to finish the lovely lines of the Renault Express.

    Keep your eye on our page as we will soon launch products also for Kangoo.


    Uus kaitseraud Volvo FMX´le

    Uus kaitseraud Volvo FMX´le. Kuna eelmise põlve autol võeti see toode klientide poolt hästi vastu, siis tegime selle sobivaks ka uuele FMX´le.

    Toode sobib kõikidele Volvo FMX´le alates 2014 aastast.

    Nagu Metec toodetega tavaks on, siis toode kinnitatakse auto metallosade külge. See tagab selle, et 1. lisatuled, mis paigaldatakse, ei hakka sõites vibreerima, 2. kokkupõrke korral kaitseb auto elutähtsaid detaile, mis tagab selle, et auto ei jää pilkases talvepimeduses tee äärde seisma.

    Erilist tähelepanu oleme pööranud paigaldusajale – see on ainult 45minutit.

    Teised tooted, mida FMX´le pakume, on leitavad siit.


    Volvo FMX has new cattleguard

    Volvo FMX has new cattleguard. We already used this design for old Volvo FMX. As the product was well received by our customers, we made small modifications so it fits to old and new Volvo FMX.

    What does the product remind you of? Clue is in the product name – SPIDER. Design mimics spider or spiders web.

    In our SPIDER family is also product for Scania. This product can also be found from OE Scania catalogue.

    Our goal is fast fittingtime. And this box we have also ticked – just 45 minutes and product has been fitted securely. So securely that you can fit however heavy lights (as long as dimensions allow). We recommend Boreman (as seen on the picture) or choose something else from our light selection.

    All Volvo FMX 2020+ products can be found here. And if you want full fat cattleguard, then have a look of our MEGA cattleguard.


    LED profiles – simple solution to make your vehicle visible and distinctive

    LED profiles – simple solution to make your vehicle visible and distinctive. We have had LED profiles in our lineup for few years.

    We have 3 different lenghts: 480mm, 720mm, 1200mm. 3 different coloured LED´s, white, orange and red. And also profile with 2 beacons (480mm version only). All profiles can be connected with each other, thus possible to make long profile (for example full lenght of the trailer). And as usual with Metec products – fully made from stainless steel.

    Majority of customers fit these to sides of the vehicles. But these can be fitted to various positions.

    1. To the trailers – with orange LED´s to the sides, with red LED´s to the rear of the trailer.
    2. To the tractors – with white LED´s and with beacons to the front, with orange LED´s to the sides, with red LED´s to the rear of the tractor.
    3. To the vans – with white LED´s and with beacons to the front (road mainenance or construction vans), with red LED´s to the rear of the van.

    All versions can be found here.


    Uued tuuled veokitemaailmas – Ford F-max

    Uued tuuled veokitemaailmas – Ford F-max. Kõik teavad Volvo ja Scania veokeid, lisaks ka Mercedes-Benz ja MAN omasid. Kuid kui paljud teavad Ford F-max veokit?

    Ford tõi just uue F-max´i turule, kuid tegelikult on tegu juba teise põlve autoga. Esimese põlve auto ei olnud eriti edukas, kuid uuel on head eeldused eduks. Auto näeb kena ning kaasaegne välja – eriti särtsaka kollase värviga.

    Oleme esimesed tooted juba valmis saanud ja võtame tellimusi vastu. Esialgne tootevalik on leitav siit. Kõiki tooteid saab nii poleerituna, kui ka musta värvi.


    Ford has brought on the market new F-max

    Ford has brought on the market new F-max. And it does look good, especially in chrome yellow.

    Ford has already tried to sell previous generation F-max on European market, but it was not successful. They have spent a lot of time behind drawing table and result looks like serious competitor for current market leaders.

    As painted products are very popular amongst our customers, we have brought majority of the products on the market also as painted versions.

    In our range you can find painted and polished roofbars, painted and polished spoilerbar for bumper and range of City lightholders.

    Full range can be found here.


    Mercedes-Benz veokite lisavarustus on täienenud

    METEC „City“ laternakandurite perekond on saanud täiendust  – nüüd on võimalik neid paigaldada ka  Mercedes- Benz Arocsile. On olemas kolm versiooni- marker LED-ga, vilkuritega ja ilma lisadeta.

    Kuna Arocs on raskeveok, mida kasutatakse peamiselt ehitussektoris, siis eriti oluline on selle mudeli puhul vilkuritega versioon, mis muudab veoki nähtavaks keerulistes ja ohtlikes oludes.  

    Lisaks oleme turule toonud uue katusekanduri Actros Stream kabiinile, millele saab paigaldada 6 laternat.


    Additional products for Mercedes-Benz trucks

    METEC “City” front lamp holder family has been updated – now it is available for Mercedes-Benz Arocs. As usual, there are 3 different versions – plain tube, with marker LED´s and with beacons. As Arocs is heavy-duty truck, mainly used in construction sector, beacon version is especially important – makes your truck visible in hectic and dangerous environment.

    Additionally we have launched new roofbar for Actros Stream cab with 6 lights fitment possibility.


    Product leaflets in one catalogue

    Product leaflets in one catalogue. Happy to announce that all our latest product leaflets are now conveniently in one catalogue.

    All of our customers can browse all makes and models in one place. No need to suffle around and open different documents.

    Just click on product catalogue on top of our website. Or just click here. Have fun!


    Isuzu D-max MY2021 – tõstab lati kõrgele

    Isuzu D-max MY2021 – tõstab lati kõrgele. Eelmine Isuzu D-max võeti soojalt vastu tarbesõidukite maailmas, kuid mitte niivõrd hästi firma omanike ja juhatajate poolt igapäeva sõidukina. MY2021 Isuzu D-max on seekord tõstnud latti ning järjest rohkem ja rohkem on tekkimas rahulolevaid firma omanikke ja juhatajaid, kes teevad rõõmsalt oma igapäeva sõite D-maxiga. Ökonoomne 1.9 liitrine mootor, 3500kg veovõime ja kaasaegne siseruum on ainult mõned võtmesõnad.   

    Isuzu D-max on endiselt võimekas tööloom millele sobib suurepäraselt Metec lumesahk. Et ka rasketes teeoludes sõit kulgeks probleemivabalt, on valikus põhjakaitsmed.

    Pole vahet, kas oled firma omanik või töötaja, EU sertifikaadiga eurobar´ga ei saa mööda lasta. Metec´i eurobarile lisatud tuled ei vibreeri, tagades hea ning selge nähtavuse ka kõige pimedamal ajal.

    Kõik Isuzu D-max MY2021 lisavarustuse leiad siit


    Isuzu D-max MY2021 – lifting the bar to new level

    Isuzu D-max MY2021 – lifting the bar to new level. Previous Isuzu D-max was very well accepted by utility companies. But perhaps not so much by company owners and directors. With MY2021 Isuzu has raised the bar and more and more company directors and owners are happy to cruise around with D-max. Sophisticated 1,9 litre engine, 3500kg towing capacity, contemporary interior design to name just few key points.

    Isuzu D-max is still excellent workhorse, therefore our snow plows are perfect for it. If you are driving on rough terrains, you should take a look of the skid plate.

    Weather you are company owner or employee, you can not go wrong with certified eurobar – with Metec eurobar you can fit extralight which do not vibrate hence giving you nice view even in the darkest of the nights.

    All Isuzu D-max MY2021 accessories can be found here.


    VW Caddy – praktiline auto praktilisele inimesele

    VW Caddy – praktiline auto praktilisele inimesele – nii, nagu Volkswagen on turule lasknud oma uue 5da põlvkonna Caddy, on Meteci poolt valmis tehtud ka sinna juurde kuuluvad praktilised ja stiilsed rauad ning kaitseplekid.

    Kaitse oma uut Caddy kulumiste ja kokkupõrgete eest Meteci EU sertifitseeritud esi- ja küljeraudadega. Tagastange kulumise ja kriimumise aitab ära hoida tagastange kaitseplekk, ning põhjaalust hoiab tervena meie põhjakaitse.

    UUDIS! Kui ruumi jääb väheks, siis pane asjad katusele! Meteci pakiraami ja redeli saad siit.

    Nii nagu ka eelmiste mudelite puhul, sobivad ka sellele meie universaalsed tooted.

    Täieliku tootevaliku VW Caddy´le leiad siit.


    VW Caddy – practical vehicle for practical person

    VW Caddy – practical vehicle for a practical person – just like Volkswagen has released its 5th generation Caddy, Metec has done the same with it’s practical and stylish new visibility bars and protective plates.

    Protect your new Caddy from wear & tear and collisions with Metec’s EU certified front– and side bars. Protection plate helps to avoid nasty scratches and paint damage on your rear bumper, and keep your car’s underside protected and in one piece with our skid plate.

    NEW! Running out of space? Stack it on the roof! Metec’s racks and rails are here.

    As per usual, all our universal products fit for this model aswell.

    Full program for VW Caddy can be found here.


    Hilux muutub ajas aina paremaks

    Nii nagu hea vein, muutub ka Hilux aastatega aina paremaks. Viimase mudeliuuenduse käigus lisandus valikusse uus ning võimas 2,8 liitrine mootor – piisav, et isegi Suurt-Munamäge paigast liigutada. Samas peitub jõulise välimuse all mugav, kaasaegne ning ruumikas interjöör.

    Nii nagu tavapäraseks saanud, siis uue auto turule tulekul, on koheselt saadaval ka lisavarustus Metecilt.

    Kõik lisavarustuse tooted Hiluxile on leitavad siit.

    Otsid Sa funktsionaalset või disaintoodet? Meteci valikus on kõike. Näiteks veokonks, euroraud või astmelaud.

    Uue tootena on saadaval nüüd ka lumesahk. Need leiad siit.

    Kui tunned huvi rohkem mõne toote vastu, võta julgelt meiega ühendust.


    Hilux keeps getting better

    Hilux keeps getting better each year as a good wine. New version has been launched – much more muscular look, new powerful 2,8 litre engine. Underneath the rugged looks is comfortable and roomy interior. All in all, a vehicle which can move even Suur-Munamägi (highest peak in Estonia).

    As is the tradition, if vehicle manufacturer releases new model, Metec releases neccessary accessories line for the said vehicle.

    Full accessories lineup can be found just here.

    Be it a functional product as tow bar or skidplates, we have these covered. Or if you are looking for a accessory to give your Hilux distinctive edge like a eurobar (full EU certificate). We even take care of customers who want snow plows.

    Have a look of the products, choose the ones you are after and get in touch with your sales representative and lets get things rolling.


    Tootelehed METEC lisavarustuse kohta

    Oleme alati enda poolt valmistavate toodete kohta teinud tootelehti. Need kõik on alla laaditavad otse kodulehelt – vaata pildi pealt täpsemalt, kuidas alla laadida.

    Kuna Volvo FH ja ka FM uuenesid just, siis need on ka viimased autod, mis on endale tootelehed saanud – Volvo FH, Volvo FM.


    Direct download of the leaflets

    Since launch of our new website 2 years ago, we have made direct download of the leaflets available to You.

    As soon as there is new vehicle added, we also add such leaflets. Leaflets can be found under specific vehicle. Just click on the small PDF icon and you are good to go.

    Latest leaflets can be downloaded here: Volvo FH 2020 and Volvo FM 2020.

    Toode lisati ostukorvi.